On Friday the 14th of February, employees of Minprovise International Pty Ltd. celebrated the significant safety milestone of 1,000+ days LTI free at their primary workshop and headquarters located in Welshpool.

The team were treated to Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream as thanks from management for their hard work, focus and adherence to stringent safety procedures, always facilitating a work culture of zero harm.

The workshop team were praised for their responsibility and commitment to ongoing diligence, on and off the workshop floor – with General Manager, Tony Sutton, speaking directly with the team, highlighting the achievements of these individuals to all the staff of the Welshpool headquarters.

Also discussed in the presentation was Minprovise’s rapid and sustainable growth over the past financial year, with two new workshops opening in Karratha and Welshpool, and a third new establishment due to open for the Project Services Division in March.

With this ongoing expansion of locations, services and personnel, the team were especially commended for always making safety their number one priority, especially during a time of change and adaptation.

From Minprovise’s initial slogan of “Reducing the Risks”, the West Australian owned and operated company have never wavered on their commitment to creating a culture of safety and awareness within the organisation to ensure they are always a “Forward Thinking Partner” for clients and employees.